2005-06 NBA 東區冠軍戰 活賽vs熱火 第四戰賽後
Wade說了一段我覺得很讚的話,嗯嗯,這就是赤子之心吧!他是真的「愛籃球」,不為名也不為利,這不就是籃球人最基本的條件 -「熱情」,不是嗎!
"I'm just a kid. There's a kid inside of me who loves to play the game of basketball and is getting the opportunity to on the highest level, and I'm just trying to do my best job at it. ... Like I said, I'm just a kid in a candy store right now, having fun on one of the best teams in the NBA."
Wade這個大孩子,將在NBA裡建造一個自己所喜愛的王國。 圖片來源:AP