去年以聯盟最差成績的分區冠軍(*註)拿下世界大賽冠軍的紅雀隊,看著目前戰績51勝58負的戰績,只能在國聯中區排行老三,外卡爭奪也落後了教士隊達8場勝差,再不來點極具張力的演出,又怎麼能夠吸引球迷的目光呢?結果,很屌的事來啦!今天他們對教士隊,遇上44歲的老名投David Wells,在第五局一陣狂轟爛炸,以平聯盟紀錄的連續10支安打在單局轟下10分(看影片還以為是在看整場的安打剪輯),現在是怎麼回事,單局轟10分在本季怎麼變得那麼容易啊!
倒是Wells就比較難堪,最近四場出賽,分別丟7分、7分、5分、7分,防禦率一下從4.15暴增到5.54,不知是怎麼了?不過我很像太大驚小怪了點,人家好歹也44歲了好嗎!至於昨天拿下生涯第300勝的41歲老妖怪,大都會隊名投Tom Glavine,那又是另一個境界了。
聖路易紅雀隊-五局上攻勢 | 比數 | |
David Wells pitching for San Diego | 教士 | 紅雀 |
B Looper singled to center. | 3 | 0 |
A Miles reached on infield single to second, B Looper to second. | 3 | 0 |
D Eckstein singled to right, B Looper scored, A Miles to third. | 3 | 1 |
S Taguchi singled to center, A Miles scored, D Eckstein to second. | 3 | 2 |
A Pujols singled to left, D Eckstein scored, S Taguchi to second. | 3 | 3 |
J Encarnacion singled to right center, S Taguchi scored, A Pujols to third. | 3 | 4 |
S Rolen homered to left, A Pujols and J Encarnacion scored. | 3 | 7 |
M Thompson relieved D Wells. | 3 | 7 |
R Ludwick homered to center. | 3 | 8 |
Y Molina walked. | 3 | 8 |
B Looper reached on bunt single to pitcher, Y Molina to third, B Looper to second on throwing error by pitcher M Thompson. | 3 | 8 |
A Miles singled to center, Y Molina scored, B Looper to third. | 3 | 9 |
D Eckstein hit sacrifice fly to center, B Looper scored. | 3 | 10 |
S Taguchi grounded into double play, shortstop to second to first, A Miles out at second. | 3 | 10 |