2006-07的NBA年度最佳進步獎得主-Monta Ellis,他所帶給球隊的能量,在看完他的年度TOP 10好球後,相信你會跟我一樣目瞪口呆,然後大聲的說:「馬的勒!你會不會太會轉、太會扭、太會跳了啊!」


這個年僅21歲,身高6呎3吋、體重才177磅的的小伙子,善於得分的他,以身高來說打SG很尷尬,而且身材太過瘦弱,但他卻以他優異體能條件與認真學習的態度,得分從去年的6.8分進步到今年的16.5分,成為聯盟中得分進步最多的一位球員,同時在二年級生裡,得分也僅次於Chris Paul的17.2分。拿到了這個年度獎項,可說是證明了自己在NBA也能夠有一片天。

"Playing in the [rookie] game, getting this award and making the playoffs in the same year, I really can't explain it, I worked so hard this summer to put myself in this position to win this award, and I just want to thank everybody around me for giving me the opportunity and keeping me on my toes."  ─  Monta Ellis

兩年前自高中畢業後,在選秀會上於第二輪第40順位被金州勇士隊選上,話說六年前金州勇士也在第二輪選上了現巫師隊控衛Gilbert Arenas,勇士隊還真是屌,都能夠在選秀第二輪撈到好貨色,但四年前他們放掉Arenas,現在應該很後悔,這一次勢必不會再重蹈覆轍了。相信沒有意外的話,只要老教頭Don Nelson繼續執教,他會在勇士隊大放異彩。





知人善任的總教練Don Nelson

"I think Monta is just scratching the surface, really, I gave him an opportunity because he was one of my best players. That he was just 20 years old didn't matter to me, because he could flat-out play."

慧眼識英雄的總管Chris Mullin:

"When we watched him come out of high school, he had a lot of things he's showing now. Not as refined, but as a high-school player you always have to keep working and keep improving, and he's done that. Nellie's system has been a good fit for him."


Monta Ellis進NBA兩季以來的攻守數據比較 

年度平均數據 隊伍 出賽 先發 分鐘 FG% 3P% FT% 抄截 火鍋 失誤 犯規 籃板 助攻 得分
2005-06 勇士 49 3 18.1 0.42 0.34 0.71 0.7 0.2 1.2 1.4 2.1 1.6 6.8
2006-07 勇士 77 53 34.3 0.48 0.27 0.76 1.7 0.3 2.9 2.7 3.2 4.1 16.5


Player 1st 2nd 3rd Points
Monta Ellis, Warriors  47 34 15 352
Kevin Martin, Kings  44 38 15 349
Deron Williams, Jazz  13 6 18 101
Tyson Chandler, Hornets  6 11 9 72
Andris Biedrins, Warriors  8 4 12 64
Al Jefferson, Celtics  2 13 13 62
Luol Deng, Bulls  2 7 13 44
Leandro Barbosa, Suns  3 3 --  24
Andre Iguodala, 76ers  1 2 3 14
David Lee, Knicks  --  3 3 12
Jason Kapono, Heat  --  1 7 10
Josh Howard, Mavericks  1 1 1 9

好啦!以上說那麼多,壓軸戲來啦!Monta Ellis的2006-07年度Top10!!
幾乎聽到場邊主播喊的都是「Oh!!! What a finish!!!!」哈哈~


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