在聊聊阿民今天打虎成功拿下本季第14勝之前,先來看看今天表現最HOT的球星。去年以三冠王拿下美聯賽揚獎的雙城隊王牌-Johan Santana,在今天對上遊騎兵的比賽裡,八局無失分,狂飆生涯新高的17K,也打破隊史的單場15K記錄。沒有任何保送,且只被對手敲出兩支安打(Sammy Sosa一人所為),所用的112球裡面有83個好球。其中最後七、八兩局他更是威風八面,六個出局數全部都是被K下場,主場觀眾與主播都隨著每一K的出現越來越HIGH,這17K的影片也讓我看得熱血沸騰啊!最後Santana就帶領球隊以1比0擊敗遊騎兵,真是好傢伙!
MLB過去50年以來,在主投八局(*註)的情況下,奪三振最高紀錄是1992年9月27日(美國時間),由巨怪Randy Johnson所創下的18K,不過很遺憾那場比賽他用了160球(這用球數真是見鬼了),水手隊以2比3輸給了遊騎兵隊。另外一次也是由巨怪創下的17K,則是在1999年6月30日,用了134球,還是很遺憾,響尾蛇隊以0比2輸給了紅人隊。所以,這次Santana飆17K的壯舉還能順道幫助球隊取勝,可算是雙喜臨門了。
(*註:這裡指的是沒有繼續登場投第九局時所創下的紀錄,要不然巨怪在2001年與Kerry Wood在1998年都有投過九局20K的紀錄。)
來聽聽大家的感想: 總教練Ron Gardenhire
"What a performance, that was special. It's just like he said to me, 'Sometimes it happens.' Well, it happened."
"Honestly, right away I thought, 'Wow, he's got good stuff today.' It was effortless. His fastball was darting and he had a great changeup from the first hitter on. You can see it. That was like no-hitter stuff."
捕手Mike Redmond
"I've had a handful of opportunities to catch a no-hitter. I've had a couple of one-hitters and a few two-hitters. When I walked off the field in the second inning I thought 'This could be it. This guy's got some amazing stuff today.' ... He was unbelievable. He executed all day."
"We needed zeros and like he always does, he went out there and stepped up in a huge situation to give us a chance to win. That's what's great about catching, you just never know when you're going to have an opportunity where you have a guy pitch like that. To be back there during that one was fun."
敲出致勝陽春全壘打的Michael Cuddyer
"Somehow I'll always remember this game."
"They've got that thing up there on the scoreboard, and whenever he's pitching I'm constantly checking it. When you're sitting on the bench and it's like the seventh or eighth inning and it's like 14, 15, 16, you definitely see it."
中外野手Torii Hunter
"I was left in awe today, he seldom missed. Most of those guys were down, 0-2, before you know it. Johan was pretty impressive today. I was glad to be a part of that. I'd never seen that before, not even in Little League."
對手游騎兵隊的總教練Ron Washington
"He's got such great arm action with everything, so it is tough to lay off of it, the only thing you can do is sit on the changeup, and if he throws you three straight fastballs, you're screwed. You've more or less got to do guesswork on him."
遊騎兵隊游擊手Michael Young
"[Santana] was great, thas good as I've seen his changeup, and that's saying something. Johan always has a chance to be good. He's the best pitcher in the game for a reason. Once he gets going full steam, it's tough to break it up."
"Remember last year when everyone was saying that the pitching era is over, just because no one won 20 games? Well, I think it's safe it say that era is not over. There's a whole lot of guys who can still pitch."
"You don't have that many chances to do something very special like that. I was living by the moment but at the same time, I was enjoying everything I was doing out there." "I didn't try to do anything different, I was just trying to stay aggressive, get ahead in the count and throw my fastball for strikes."
對於第九局總教練選擇讓終結者Joe Nathan來接替他,他表示:
"I felt good, but at the same time we knew that in that game situation, Nathan would be the right guy to go back out there and shut everything out. He's one of the best closers in the game and I trust him, just like I trust all my teammates."
- Aug 20 Mon 2007 12:33
Santana八局狂飆17K 勝遊騎兵