Can't Compare Kobe and MJ
The eras in which they played are completely different
Kobe 和 MJ 不能相互比較
Kobe Bryant's 81-point performance the other night against Toronto was certainly incredible, but it is unfair to try and compare what Kobe did to what Michael Jordan did in his playing career or what he could have done for that matter.
In the era when Michael played, it was a physical game. Defense was promoted. Guys took pride in it. Today defense is no longer a part of the game. Guys are driving to the basket. There are rules where you can't step in front of them. To me, it is taking away from the game seeing a guy like Tony Parker taking advantage of the rules. He is shooting 55 percent from the field. That says something about the game itself. In the history of the NBA, I'm sure a point guard has never led the league in field goal percentage. It's a different game now. It's really not about being tough and physical because the NBA isn't a physical game anymore. When you talk about how the Knicks and Bulls used to battle in the early '90s, the Oakleys, and Pat Ewings, the Masons, and how they would have the ability to use their hands to put you in a trap position. There is no way you can even triple team a guy now and stop him. Any contact is a foul. I can't compare the two players because I see it as two different games. If I'm guarding Kobe Bryant in today's game, I couldn't be the defender I was known as.
If you want to say that Kobe could get 100, I would say that Michael could get 100. If Kobe could get 81, I think Michael could get 100 in today's game. I think the psychological style that Michael was able to master in the game, puts him far beyond Kobe. But Kobe's youthfulness has put him in a position where it looks like he is overtaking Michael. Kobe has 10 years in this league. That is a lot of experience to have and still be a very youthful player.
With that said, I am sure Phil doesn't want to coach that type of game. It's not his style. I don't expect it to happen again. Phil will probably do everything in his power to make sure it doesn't. I don't think Phil is going to try to promote what Kobe has done more than anything because he has damaged his whole team. You just scored 81 points. Do you need your teammates? Are they going to step up when you need them or are you going to continue to pound them like you've been doing and be selfish just to get some individual accolades?
From a leadership perspective I think Kobe has taken a step back. Look at what he has to live up to now. You just scored 81 points. If you scored 81 points, your team should pretty much go out and win at least 75 percent of their games the rest of the year. Is that fair to say? You just compared yourself to Wilt. Can you go out with your team and do that or are you just going to go out and score tons of points every night? Are you going to get back to the point where you are shooting a lot of shots and you're teammates are not shooting and you're losing?
Right now, Kobe has willed the Lakers to a 22-19 record. It will be interesting to see what happens the rest of the way.
From: Pippen的BLOG
老皮講得還挺中肯的,現在多了Hand Check這個規定真的差蠻多的...
Hand Check:『防守者不得用手觸碰進攻方球員,除非他位於禁區,而且進攻球員背對籃框。防守者可以在不影響進攻球員移動(意指速度、敏捷性、平衡及節奏)的前提下短暫的觸碰進攻方。防守者可以在進攻方背向籃框且離籃框很近時,以前臂觸碰其背部以保持有利的防守位置。除此之外,任何觸碰皆會被視為有犯規嫌疑。』
講白話一點,就是以前防守者通常都會去用你的前臂去架在對方的腰部附近,好施力增加對抗性,不讓進攻者輕易的就吃掉你。現在可不行這樣囉!如果要這樣,應該第一節還沒打完就會犯滿畢業下場了 XD