前幾個禮拜沒太多時間關注NBA戰況,現在回顧一下才發現,籃網隊本季有沒有那麼悲情啊?球季打了1/3就傷了今年有16分7籃板水準的三年級中鋒Nenad Krstic,現在戰績25勝29負在快樂大西洋組也落後給暴龍隊(29勝24負)達4.5場勝差就已經夠悶了,結果籃網隊不悶則已、一悶上癮。上個月才嚐過連續三場被一球逆轉而飲恨的痛,上週又是連續兩天在延長賽以兩分輸球。
第一場在主場對老鷹,悶的是,這場球眼看著Vince Carter的追平三分球要將比賽帶入二度延長了,最後卻敗給了Tyronn Lue的「BB彈」(Buzzer-Beater的代名詞 XD)。讓老鷹隊達成自2000年球季以來,隊史第一次的客場三連勝。
Carter said, "It's a tough loss, we can't be inconsistent and up and down during the course of the game. With us down bodies, we have to come out and play hard and scrappy from start to finish." Coach Frank said, "If we can’t do it for 48 (minutes), regardless of who we play, it’s going to be hard for us to win. It’s important that we maximize our minutes and maximize our effort." |
接著隔天在客場對上七六人,靠著Eddie House在正規賽最後投進了追平三分球逼進延長賽,沒想到命運還是那樣地殘酷,延長賽最後八秒,落後兩分的籃網隊發底線球反攻,看著Jason Kidd的運球路線、傳球路徑與Carter的跑位、接球、出手位置,咦,好熟悉的感覺啊!這就是去年球季Carter投進再見三分球擊敗暴龍隊拿下十連勝的最後一擊戰術啊!唉,只可惜這次用一樣的戰術,卻沒有同樣的結果,要不然誰不想看Kidd像小朋友一樣再度興奮地跳到Carter身上一次......
Said Vince of the final shot, "it was a great look. I thought it was good. I thought it was going down. It was a little long, but it was right on target…you can’t be mad about that one." Said Coach Frank, "Vince’s shot was a judgement decision. He was wide open, he has obviously made that shot before. We trust Vince." Carter said, "We have to work our way out of it, we have to work hard and hope things start breaking our way." Kidd said, "This is something that's not new, we've been in this position a lot." Kidd said, "We had some opportunities, and the ball just didn’t bounce our way, we had a lot of breakdowns defensively. Right there at the end, we needed to get a stop, and we just didn’t. Everybody is trying to do their best, but we are fighting uphill." |
影片來源:NBA.com 圖片來源:AP & GI